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Hopeful Story, May 3, 2015

  The end of April means different things to different people, but at Hope Fellowship it means the official end of our youth programs. Last week we crossed that finish line when High School Ministries met at the Westerman's place for a scavenger hunt, the GEMS enjoyed a Hawaiian themed party at the church featuring Hawaiian pizza and the limbo, and the Cadets went to Cadet-O-Rama,
  It was eight months ago in September that these excellent programs began with great hope and enthusiasm. Since then, more than twenty volunteers worked faithfully with more than seventy boys, girls and teens from our church and community. They helped these children and teenagers experience a living relationship with Jesus, and, in the process, they equipped them for their adult lives.
  I can’t imagine the accumulative number of hours, meetings, activities, ideas and kilometers that were invested this year, not to mention the innumerable prayers and concerns that were said and felt along the way. I’m sure that I speak for every parent when I say a heartfelt thank you to every youth leader, GEMS counselor and Cadet counselor in our church. You have been good and faithful servants this year.
  Now that they have crossed their season ending finish lines, don’t imagine for a minute that they’re done. The Cadets and the GEMS are planning separate camping weekends, and at least twelve of our youth will be accompanying three youth leaders to Grand Rapids, Michigan for a SERVE week with young people from Canada and the U.S.
  When you see one of our children and youth leaders, please be sure to thank them personally. They are helping all of us fulfill the baptismal promise we made when we stood up in church and made a commitment to “receive these children in love, pray for them, help instruct them in the faith, and encourage and sustain them in the fellowship of believers” (Service for Baptism, Psalter Hymnal, p. 955).
- Pastor Peter
