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Showing posts from August, 2013

Hopeful Story, August 11, 2013

  Last Sunday the cyclists were in Grand Rapids, MI, where the American Christian Reformed Church of America headquarters are located. There was a grand celebration at Calvin College. The cyclists all cycled to the service together and then paraded their bikes around the auditorium before settling into a celebration service. Are you sorry you missed it?

Hopeful Story, August 4, 2013

  Last weekend, on Saturday, July 27, Alice was stunned by a surprise visit from her sister Jeni and her friend Tom, as well as her niece and nephew, Mandi and Jesse. After working a full day on Friday, they drove thirteen hours from Bowmanville and arrived in Iowa City at 8 a.m. where they stood along the side of the road with a sign that said, “We Love You, Ali.”

Hopeful Story, July 28, 2013

  On Monday night, the Sea to Sea cyclists’ sleep was interrupted every two hours by passing trains. On Tuesday morning, a powerful storm delayed the start of the day’s ride. On Wednesday, the tour reached the halfway point of the ride. This weekend they’re in Iowa, resting for Week 6 which will end in Grand Rapids, Michigan where a huge Sunday night rally will take place in Calvin College’s Van Noord Arena.