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Showing posts from November, 2018

Hopeful Story, November 25, 2018

  We are a few months into the new ministry year, programs are well under way and there appears to be a growing energy throughout our church family. Although we could probably still use a few more people in the children's ministry area, and I'm still not sure why certain people like to vandalize stuff around here, we are hearing stories of blessing and hope throughout the apparent randomness that each day brings.

Hopeful Story, November 18, 2018

  As a church, we don’t often consider our impact on the environment as we have a small staff and usually don’t create much more garbage than a typical household. However, the church’s Property Committee has been looking at this recently as the number of rentals in the building has steadily increased.

Hopeful Story, November 4, 2018

  When I woke up on Labour Day Sunday, I thought about how my life was totally in God’s hands – both the big and the little things. Pastor Dale’s sermon on Sunday talked about Paul’s confidence and how God would fulfil HIS promises, even through suffering. I had been suffering from heaviness in my chest and shortness of breath since our trip to Maine in the summer. I decided to book an appointment with a cardiologist, which was STRONGLY encouraged by my family.