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Showing posts from October, 2018

Hopeful Story, October 28, 2018

  Fall has arrived: two indicators that this is true is that the tree leaves are turning colours, and we have returned to two worship services each Sunday. Along with the need to rake the leaves, the subject of why we have two services returns to the foreground. I would like to explain why we hold two services.

Hopeful Story, October 21, 2018

  Why is that when life gets busy one of the first things to suffer is my prayer life? As the schedule fills, time slips away. I may distractedly still go through the motions of reading my Bible, but my mind is already preoccupied with all that needs to be done for the day. Before long I realize an entire day has gone by and I’ve said little more than “Hey God – Hi, bye!”

Hopeful Story, October 14, 2018

  I had to buy Christmas presents this week. Normally I don’t like to think about Christmas till Advent, but when your daughter moves her family across the ocean, that’s just not possible. So the presents are purchased and will be delivered tomorrow to the children’s other Grandma, who will take them to Manchester at the end of the month.

Hopeful Story, October 7, 2018

  I have been the Director of Children’s Ministry for 3 months and have seen God provide time and time again. I tend to rely on my own strength and power to do things but have quickly learned the importance and deep value of giving the Children’s Ministry to God daily. Understanding that this is God’s church, these are His children, and I am His servant; I can encourage and support but ultimately it’s in God’s hands.