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Showing posts from January, 2014

Note from the Pastor, January 19, 2014

  Ever since I started researching and writing the Money Matters messages, I've been seeing and hearing related topics. On the CBC, for example, where they did a feature about the working poor. In the National Post, which published an article explaining “Why saving now is better than saving later.” Then someone made me aware of an article about debt in the January issue of Parenting magazine.

Hopeful Story, January 19, 2014

  On Wednesday night, four participants in the latest New Members Class professed their faith to the Pastoral Elders. It was a powerful evening as Lori, Michael, Kiera and Alexis shared their testimonies. Each had a compelling story about the journey that God has led them on, stories that they will share with the entire congregation on Stand Up Sunday, April 27.

Hopeful Story, January 12, 2014

  In July, Christina Reid, one of Hope Fellowship’s young adults, will pack her bag and head out for an “eleven countries in eleven months” missions trip. It is organized by an Atlanta, Georgia based organization called “Adventures in Missions.” And what an adventure it will be for this new Christian who was baptized at our church less than a year ago!