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Hopeful Story, October 28, 2018

  Fall has arrived: two indicators that this is true is that the tree leaves are turning colours, and we have returned to two worship services each Sunday. Along with the need to rake the leaves, the subject of why we have two services returns to the foreground. I would like to explain why we hold two services.
  Simply stated, our intention is to make room for the newcomers. “every empty seat is reserved for the person that Christ wants to draw in.”
  The optics behind this is that if we reach an 80% full house, then newcomers feel like there is no room for them. Often, our new guests arrive late, and must find empty seats on their own. And like many of us, “who wants to sit in the front row! Especially if you are new.” Awkward!
  The seating arrangement in our sanctuary has been reduced to 360 seats. We have been predicting a total attendance of 350 for both services, but currently we are averaging just over 300.
  Our Vision Leadership Board (VLB) has been made aware of these arrangements and predictions, with an eye to monitor and review monthly as we go through the fall. The VLB has been apprised of the workload of two services, and, they have been informed of the benefits of being all together in one service. 
  We seek your diligence in living into the workload and empty feel of the two services, but more so we seek your support in responding to the challenge of creating a welcoming space for guests. May I be so bold as to invite each of you to personally see to it that the empty seats are filled? Luke 14: 23 “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.”
  It is our ardent hope that Hope Fellowship Church is a place that ‘unchurched’ people would love to join, and one way in which we become that place is to offer the hospitality of an empty seat or three.
- Pastor Dale
