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Hopeful Story, October 7, 2018

  I have been the Director of Children’s Ministry for 3 months and have seen God provide time and time again. I tend to rely on my own strength and power to do things but have quickly learned the importance and deep value of giving the Children’s Ministry to God daily. Understanding that this is God’s church, these are His children, and I am His servant; I can encourage and support but ultimately it’s in God’s hands.
  I had a challenge getting volunteers for Sunday School but God provided 16 amazing leaders. We needed more counselors for GEMS and Cadets and God provided 17 leaders passionate about seeing our children come to know God. He is good.
  At Vacation Bible School this summer we had 120 children come- 70 who did not attend our church! I was so encouraged by this and have been excited throughout the summer when I’ve recognized some of the families! I was absolutely thrilled to see so many of these faces at GEMS and Cadets the last few weeks!!!
  We are so blessed to be able to minister to these children and their families as they become part of our community. Please continue to pray for the families that have attended VBS- that they would feel stirred to come join us here. Challenge yourself to meet new people, inviting them to into your lives and into our church

Romans 10:13-14
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

- Deanna Westerman
