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Hopeful Story, May 27, 2018

  In August 2003, Amanda moved to Courtice to start her first ever teaching job at Immanuel Christian School in Oshawa.  She was 22, sky, single and alone.  Amanda tried out various churches and eventually felt at home at Hope Fellowship. 
  Nell, Andrea and others were just a few of the members that really welcomed her in.  Mike found out she loved to sing and invited her to join a praise team.  There were a lot of young adults and they had formed a dynamic group that grew to around 30 people!  It was at the young adults Bible study that she met Jason.
  Jason had attended Zion CRC with his family since he was 11 years old.  He attended Hope since it's beginnings.  Jason was working on his carpentry apprenticeship and joined the Bible study because he was seeking more of God - and maybe a wife (wink).  He found both.
  Jason and Amanda were married in July 2006 by Pastor Peter in Amanda's hometown, Alymer.  They went on to have 4 beautiful boys - all baptized by Pastor Peter.  The Hope congregation made a promise with each boy to do their part to help raise them in the faith.  Beautiful. 
  For 10 years Jason and Amanda attended Hope together, each growing in their gifts and knowledge of God.  Jason was a RAD leader for several years, he worked on the new facility when it was being build, and he was stellar in the nursery.  Amanda developed into a worship leader, served on the worship committee, and helped lead the MOPS group.  Both Amanda and Jason acknowledge that Hope Fellowship played a key role in the development of their faith and ability to serve.
  In January 2017, Jason and Amanda found themselves at Rehoboth CRC in Bowmanville for various reasons.  The time of the service worked well with the baby's nap schedule, and it was safer to drive there during snow storms.  Over the course of a few Sundays, it became apparent that God was calling them to this church.  After a lot of prayer, Jason and Amanda discerned that God desired to use their gifts at Rehoboth - their neighbourhood church.
  Jason and Amanda want to say thank you to their Hope Felloship family for all the years of teaching and growing and encouragement they experienced over the years.  They will still be around and will regularly visit!
