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Hopeful Story, July 24, 2016

  Let me ask you a couple of questions. How many of you are familiar with migrant workers? Probably most of you. Now, how many of you ever saw the migrant workers as a mission field? If you are like me, I bet that thought never crossed your mind!
  A few people in Bowmanville saw the need to reach out to these men and took action. The Bowmanville Ministerial, led by Kit Greaves, is reaching out to these men with the cooperation of the Migrant Workers Network.
  Recently, I had the opportunity to share in an evening communion service for both the migrant workers and members of the community. The migrant workers are primarily from Mexico and Jamaica. The service was held at St. John’s in Spanish and English. The guest pastor was from a Spanish church in Scarborough. Worship songs take on a different flavor when sang in Spanish with a Latino beat. The message was about the Good Samaritan which is a story we all need to be reminded of every now and again. A refreshment time happened afterward. The men were grateful for the hospitality.
  Bicycles had been collected from the community for the workers. Some of the workers received these after the service. The bicycles provide the workers with a mode of transport and some independence while they are here. If you are interested in donating a bicycle, you can call St. John’s at 905-623-2460.
  One of the simplest yet heartfelt ways to reach out to the migrant workers was exemplified by my sister. My sister made beaded keychains in the pattern of the Canada flag for each man. As she handed them out, I saw smiles. Evangelism in its simplest form!
  Sharing God’s love is as simple as a smile! We don’t have to make it complex! Also, we don’t necessarily have to have all the equipment in line first. We just need to be available and say yes! God will then enable us to do the task! Remember, in order to be a life-changer, you have to get out of the boat!!!
- MJ
