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Hopeful Story, September 13, 2015

  At this point, I do not know what the next steps in the succession planning journey will be. There’s much to discern, much to pray about and much to decide. When Hope Fellowship’s leadership is ready to recommend someone to call, they will inform you and give you the opportunity to vote. This is usually done by means of a ballot during a church service.
  For now, I just want to commend the many people who made it a priority to meet Pastor Joel and his wife Anna on the August 21-23 weekend. The succession planning committee had put together quite the itinerary, including a barbecue and dialogue with the Vision Leadership Board on Friday night, a meeting with the zone co-ordinators on Saturday morning, and, of course, the worship service and Q & A session on Sunday. At each of these events, almost all of the hoped for leaders showed up.
  Marja and I returned from our vacation for two days to also participate in these explorative conversations. When we learned that Pastor Joel and Anna wanted to experience the Saturday morning running group, we put out the word and were thrilled to have one of our best turnouts ever. Even our runners and walkers showed interest in the process.
  On Sunday, you also heard Pastor Joel express amazement at the large number of people who had come to church for the opportunity to hear him preach. I share his gratitude for the great turnout and see it as a sign of a keenly interested and committed congregation that is actively involved in discerning God’s will for Hope Fellowship’s next chapter.
  It is not my place to say anything that would tilt the calling process one way or the other. The calling process rightly belongs in the hands of the leadership and the people of Hope. I just want to say that I thank God for the efforts of not only the Succession Planning Team but also so many others who showed up when they needed to show up for the good of the church.
  My challenge to you this week is to also join the prayer times in this week of prayer of fasting. That way we can pray together not only for our ministries but also for the calling process as we ask God to identify our next pastor. 
- Pastor Peter
