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Hopeful Story, July 7, 2013

  The forced suspension of the Sea to Sea bicycle tour last week due to the extreme heat proved to be a blessing in disguise. Stan explained, “It gave everyone a chance to regroup. We had been under daily pressure to get out earlier and earlier to beat the afternoon heat, leaving us no time to take in the sights or enjoy a coffee. That feeling is gone now, thanks to three nights in one place.”
During their extended stay in Payson, Arizona, Stan and others did some house painting for Habitat for Humanity. “Dave and Cathy could hardly stop thanking us,” Stan said.
  In Payson, the cyclists worshipped in several local churches. “We outnumbered the locals in the Presbyterian Church that we attended,” Stan said. “They had a children's message, but no kids came up. According to the pastor, anyone under 60 is a child so he still had us sing Jesus Loves Me. Before the sermon he gave us a great line when he prayed, ‘May the words of my mouth and the medication of my heart be pleasing in your sight.’ Turns out he’s had heart problems!”
  Joan confirmed Stan’s impressions about the three-day suspension. “I thank God for the extra days in Payson,” she wrote. “Every-one agrees that the tour needed to regroup and refocus. God used the heat to get us to do just that.”
  On her blog, Alice said that she has already had four flats. The flat tally for all of the cyclists combined is over 100! Despite the frustrating tire repairs, Alice said that she is feeling a great sense of accomplishment after completing some very steep rides, including a long 8% grade that reduced her speed to 9 kph.
  Today, the cyclists are resting in Rehoboth, New Mexico where the Christian Reformed church established one of its first mission posts among the Zuni people in the early 1900’s. They face 621 kilometers of cycling this week and hope to arrive in Colorado Springs on Saturday afternoon. Please continue to pray for their safety.
- Pastor Peter
