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Note from the Pastor, February 3, 2013

  Whenever you plan an event or start a process, it is very important to think about the desired outcome. Take the first Sea to Sea Bicycle Tour in 2005, for example. When we organized it we hoped that it would do three things: give the Christian Reformed Churches a really cool way to celebrate one hundred years of God’s faithfulness in Canada; raise a million dollars to plant new congregations and start new ministries in the next one hundred years; and also raise awareness about an initiative called “Make Poverty History.” The tour accomplished those three goals, and exceeded our desired outcome as some cyclists changed their career paths and others actually met their marriage partners! Back then, little did we know that the tour would also give birth to at least three additional Sea to Sea tours, including the 2013 tour for which Stan, Alice and Joan are raising poverty-fighting funds right now.
  Now Hope Fellowship’s leadership has invited us to participate in a visionary process called “Journey of Hope: The Next Chapter.” But what’s the desired outcome of this journey? Several courageous proposals that will focus our prayers, energy and resources as we continue to live out our church’s purpose statement: “bringing people into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.”
  Courageous proposals. Interesting! But what does it mean?
  A proposal is an idea that someone suggests, pictures or offers. A family member might say, “Let’s not give Christmas presents this year but split the money between a family event and World Renew instead.” A contractor might ask, “Have you ever considered relocating these walls, raising the ceiling and installing some new windows that maximize your view.” Your significant other might kneel and say, “I offer to be your life long marital friend. Will you marry me?”
  According to my dictionary, courage is defined as “that quality of mind or spirit enabling one to meet danger or opposition with fearlessness.” Joshua called on the people of Israel to have that quality when they proceeded to conquer the Promised Land. “Be strong and courageous,” he said. “Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Articulating and then implementing God-inspired hopes and dreams will require that kind of courage
  On February 22 and 23, Hope Fellowship’s leadership will begin to make a list of courageous proposals. Soon thereafter, the congregation will be given several opportunities to do the same.
  Brainstorming comes with the risk of being overwhelmed. It helps to know in advance that the ideal outcome is three clear proposals in the three categories that characterize an internally strong and externally focused church: Belief, Belong and Blessing. In other words, what things will we do to strengthen the way we come to faith and strengthen our beliefs? What things will we do to help everyone feel a greater sense of belonging? And what things will we do to be more of a blessing to our community and even our world?
  Today all of us have been asked to begin twenty-one days of prayer. Materials have been provided to help us pray and discern God’s plan for Hope Fellowship. As you pray, keep our hoped for outcome clearly in mind. Ask God for a loving, accepting environment in which we dare to suggest lots of Belief proposals, Belong proposals and Blessing proposals. Ask God to help us discern what the top proposal in each of those three categories will be. Pray for the courage to implement these proposals when God has clarified His plan for our church.
  Will God once again exceed our desired outcome? On the basis of past experience, I expect that He will!
- Pastor Peter
