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Hopeful Story, May 6, 2012

  Job was only three years old when he saw the news about the earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of Japan, but he knew that he had to do something. He decided that, when he was older, he would volunteer to help Japan rebuild. A few months later, when Job heard a presentation at JAM City by Simon and Danielle about their family’s year-long serving adventure around the world, Job’s vision expanded to include other countries where help is also needed.
  Job decided to create art and sell his finished pieces for a few pennies when he realized that helping others costs money. “Cutting and colouring are one of my favourite things to do,” he said.
  Now that Job is five, he understands that making a difference in God’s world requires more than money; it also requires lots of people. So he has recruited David, his younger brother, and together they are pooling their resources and developing their skills. “I’m going to make houses with my little brother,” Job said, explaining that he wants to help people who have lost homes in earthquakes and fires or because they’re poor. “We like to practice digging in our sandbox. One time I even dug all the way to my waist!”
  This week, two other Canadian brothers, Marc and Craig Kielburger, released their latest book Living Me To We. They are the two young social activists who co-founded Free The Children and Me to We when they were only teenagers. In their new book, they give readers the tools to make socially conscious living decisions throughout the entire day. Marc and Craig have empowered thousands of young people to live simpler, less selfish lives and to advocate for change. They would probably be thrilled to know that two empathetic boys named Job and David were inspired by two adventurous siblings named Simon and Danielle to make a healing difference in God’s world, a few cents at a time.
  For now, Job says he’ll keep on creating, working and saving until he is a teenager and has enough money. “My Mom and Dad have plans to go with me,” he told Heidi, “and the first trip will be to Japan. That’s the one I already know about that needs help.”
- Pastor Peter and Heidi St. Jean
