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Hopeful Story, April 29, 2012

  The April 15 Hopeful Story about our High School Ministries efforts to clean up the ditches around the church on Bloor Street and Trulls Road, as well as the experience of GEMS Sunday, made me think of another youth member of our church who is making a difference for God.
  You may not remember this, but way back in September, 2010, there was an advertisement in the Hope Fellowship Sun for a young family who needed a babysitter so the couple could attend their small group. It is now a year and a half later, and for all of that time a dedicated young lady has been coming to this young family's home weekly. And here’s the best part: she has been coming for FREE the whole time. This has had a positive effect not only on the family she looks after but also on another family in the small group that has been able to host while their small children are sleeping.
  There are a number of young couples who would like to be in a small group but cannot pay a sitter while they attend. If you can spare an evening to watch their children, who spend most of the evening sleeping, please ask a young couple if they could use a sitter so they can join/start a small group.
  The teenager who has faithfully provided free babysitting services to a young couple in our church is one more example of how great our youth are and how they are impacting the world for Christ! I thank God for her and pray that others will be inspired by her voluntary service. 
- Matthew
