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Hopeful Story, March 24, 2019

  It was a sold out crowd two weeks ago for the first annual family curling night in support of the Hope for the Dominican project. The evening started with a short learn to curl session led by our own pro skip Larry followed by a round robin tournament. Naturally the “Ice Gators” were the team to beat in this event but they were no shoe-in for victory.
  The “Keener Beeners” were tough competition but in the end the “fruit of the broom” and the “holy rollers” had little problem sweeping away the competition. Overall it appears that everyone had a bonspiel of a good time and this event was right on the button with over $800 raised in support of a worthy cause. This was such a fun and popular evening there is no question that the family curling night will become an annual event. If you want to spare yourself from the disappointment of not being able to play next year you will have to hurry and get your team together because it’s going to be hard to reserve your spot. Thank you to everyone who participated. Every dollar raised goes to help comfort women in crisis through the Pregnancy Resource Centre in Sosua, Dominican Republic.
- Kevin
