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Hopeful Story, August 12, 2018

  Have you ever checked out our prayer room?  Did you know we have one?  It's a multi-purpose room, really, but at least twice a week people gather there to pray together. Our praise team and pastor meet there every Sunday morning to pray together before leading our services.
  Some of our dedicated prayer warriors meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm and they are always ready to welcome new people.  If you are not working on Thursday morning, come and join the staff and prayer people from 9:30 - 10:30 am as we hold up Hope Fellowship and our greater community in prayer.
  Though we are not all called to be prayer warriors, we are all called to pray.  A number of years ago (shortly after the church started) we went through a huge upheaval, causing much pain in our community.  At that time our leaders called us together for a week of prayer and fasting, to discern God's will, to hear what He had to say to the people and to ask for healing.  I will never forget the sight of two of our members, who had been very angry at each other, kneeling together in prayer.  It brings me to tears to this day!
  Since that time, we have gathered together for a week to pray together at the beginning of every ministry season.  This year will be no different.  We will come together for one hour a day for five days on the first full week of September (Sept. 10-15).  We will pray for Hope Fellowship, for the leaders, for the ministries, for the members and for our community.  Everyone is encouraged to come out at least once.  More information will become available in the coming weeks, so watch for that.  And plan to join in the prayer time - it is a blessing to be part of it, whether you pray out loud or not.
- Evelyn
