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Hopeful Story, September 27, 2015

  On September 11, 2015, Ryan sent this e-mail: “Happy to introduce Micah Garrett, born Wednesday, September 9 and weighing 8 lbs 10 oz. Amazed and blessed to share my birthday with my son! Mom is doing well after a c-section. Micah had some breathing issues so we were transferred to the Peterborough hospital because it has a NICU. He is progressing well and we hope to be home some time this weekend.”
  Eleven days later, Ryan followed up with a concerned e-mail requesting prayer for their little boy: “On Friday we took Micah to the ER due to rapid breathing (same problem he had at birth). He was monitored over the weekend and on Monday they did an echocardiogram. They discovered some problems with his heart so we were transferred today to Sick Kids so that they can take a better look. At this point we are not sure what's wrong but we do know he is otherwise a healthy boy. Please pray for Micah on Wednesday as he undergoes another ultrasound. I will keep you updated as we learn more. Trusting in Him, Ryan”
  Then came this great news on September, 24: “Hi! We have some amazing news! The paediatric cardiologist read the echo that was done today and said that it was completely normal! There is no reason to believe that Micah's fast breathing has anything to do with his heart. They also did a CXR today and they found a little bit of consolidation in one of his lungs. The paediatrician thinks this is fluid that he's had since birth that is slowly working its way out. And that's what causing his fast breathing. He's not concerned with his breathing because everything else about him is completely normal, and he thinks the breathing will resolve on its own. We came home this afternoon and we have a follow up appointment with the paediatrician next week. Just wanted to say thank you so much for all your kind words, messages, thoughts and prayers. This is an amazing answer to prayer and we are so thankful to our Father who is holding Micah in His hands.”
  Reflecting on this experience, Jenda said, “It’s been quite the two weeks. It’s the best possible thing that could happened, and it’s definitely an answer to prayer.”
- Pastor Peter (with Ryan and Jenda’s permission)
