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Hopeful Story, October 27, 2013

  It’s that time of year when our boys club, now known as Cadets, has begun collecting coats for kids and there’s a growing pile of winter coats in the church offices. Our high school youth group, and our Advanced Cadets and GEMS 2.0 (Grades 7 and 8), are getting set to spend Halloween going door to door collecting food for several food banks, including the Zion/Hope Foodbank. These efforts have always been welcomed by the community. Once again, hundreds of needy adults and children will be helped.
  As I see their willingness to assist others, I’m inspired to do something as well. I hope you are, too.
  Several years ago we challenged our small groups to take on a service project. A men’s group has done this faithfully for years, taking on various jobs like painting the Bibles For Missions store or helping someone move. Another small group adopted some University students, sending them cards of encouragement and periodic care packages. The Run and Walk With Hope group took on the job of packing race kits for the annual Durham Quarter Marathon in support of The Refuge. Other small groups did something for local agencies like The Pregnancy Health Centre, St. Vincent’s and Gate 3:16.
  I’d like to put out this challenge again, asking each small group to have a discussion about a service project that they are willing and able to take on as we move deeper into the “Brrr” months. Why? Jesus said that the poor are always with us and that it is more blessed to give than to receive. And the courageous proposals that we have adopted include not only strengthening our Belief and our sense of Belonging, but also finding more ways to Bless others.
  What our children and youth are doing is fantastic! Inspired by them, let’s generate more hopeful stories and bless even more people.
- Pastor Peter
