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Hopeful Story, November 10, 2013

  As you read this, Chris and Krista Ritskes are on their way back from a demanding but rewarding week in El Salvador where they worked with Speroway (“spero” is Latin for “hope”), a charitable organization dedicated to helping needy children around the world.
  Chris, our Administrative Zone Co-ordinator and a full-time pharmacist, and a team of doctors, dentists and volunteers like Krista, blessed thousands with much needed medical care. On Wednesday, for example, at the one-day clinic offered in Tepecoyo, the medical team treated 1,014 patients, the dental team treated 232 persons and the optical team provided 167 pairs of reading glasses. Those are incredible numbers. Imagine conducting five one-day clinics and processing a line-up of more than one thousand people waiting to see a doctor, dentist, optician or pharmacist.
  Here’s what the Speroway website had to say about the team headed by Chris: “In Pharmacy, there are typically six or eight folks packed into a room and they spend the entire day moving from one medication bin to the next picking and packing whatever the patient needs. They move quickly and efficiently around the room memorizing the locations of the most frequently required meds within minutes. Unlike the chaos of the Dental and Medical areas, Pharmacy is always quiet and calm. But don’t be deceived – they’re filling upwards of a thousand multi-medication prescriptions a day. The team typically hangs what in reality is a “shower caddy” from Walmart on their belts to hold the meds as they’re picked and packed for each patient. It’s just one small part of a delivery system that’s been refined to maximum efficiency over the years. The Pharmacy team is the best at what they do and is a crucial cog in the Speroway clinic machine. Despite their tiny room, they kept pace with Medical, patient for patient, and truly delivered yet again.”
  We can’t thank God enough for the hope brought to El Savador last week by Chris, Krista and their Speroway colleagues.
- Pastor Peter
