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Hopeful Story, November 17, 2013

  Last Sunday night’s regional youth service at Hope Fellowship drew about ninety young people from area Christian Reformed churches. They wolfed down hamburgers, hotdogs and casseroles and, after the service, went home with ice cream sandwiches.  
  The service itself featured a terrific praise and worship band from Zion CRC, led by William Jones, Zion’s Worship Coordinator. The lead singer, Joel, a transplanted Aussie who happens to be related to our Youth Zone Coordinator, Alice Brink, did a bang-up job belting out current praise songs and one of his own compositions.
  Martin Spoelstra, the church planter and pastor who started Discovery Church nine years ago, presented a very personal and effective message called “How To Help A Friend In Need.” Using the story of the Philippian jailer in Acts 16, a man who was ready to commit suicide when he thought that his prisoners had escaped, Pastor Martin highlighted three things that we can do with and for a friend who is feeling desperate: listen, pray, and build a relationship. This advice is both practical and profound. It’s something that we can all do. And it has the power to make someone feel understood and loved. I will go so far as to say that this is life-saving counsel.
  The service ended with a unique call to prayer. The youth leaders from the area churches came forward and stationed themselves in front of the stage. At Pastor Martin’s invitation, high school students began to come forward for prayer while the band played softly in the background. About eight students found the courage to come forward, and we witnessed many tearful prayers and hugs as the Holy Spirit brought Christ’s healing work into their young lives.
  Will a service like this happen again? For now, this was a first attempt that will be evaluated by the youth leaders. On the basis of last Sunday’s success, however, I predict that there will be more regional youth services in the future.
- Pastor Peter
