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Hopeful Story, January 6, 2013

  Whenever we go on a vacation or a trip, I am usually the one who asks for the lightest, smallest or most compact things to take along. “Will it fit in the car? How much do we REALLY need to take along?”
  On Tuesday, December 18, the elders, deacons and zone coordinators met with Jack Tacoma, Leader - Regional Resource Team, Christian Reformed Home Missions, to be introduced to what we are calling, at least for now, Journey Of Hope: The Next Chapter. Jack led us through a discussion on what it took for the people of Israel to make their journey across 2 rivers to the promised land. He talked about all the preparation required just to start this long trip. Think of how many times God hardened Pharaoh's heart! Then there was the crossing of the Red Sea and the testing and trials in the desert. After 40 years, God finally brought the people across the second river into the land He had promised them.
  With Journey of Hope: The Next Chapter, we plan to have Jack Tacoma work with our church as a facilitator and guide on the journey. We have to decide what to take along. Our list of things to consider taking along includes, among others, the Community Opportunity Scan, the Natural Church Development survey results, the restorative congregation initiative, the strengths based Strengths Finder, a ministry score card, and even our strategic plan.
  Two teams have been set up for this next chapter, a Planning Team to oversee the process and a Prayer Team to keep this journey holy. As a leadership team of elders, deacons and zone coordinators, we will be asked to commit to pray during a time of preparation prior to a weekend leadership retreat in February. The Planning Team will be outlining the journey in greater detail as the preparation phase continues. Both teams will be working to plan for a time of congregational preparation and to plan for what Jack Tacoma called “Courageous proposals – congregational conversations for ministry at Hope Fellowship.”
  I left the December meeting encouraged, excited and wondering about a few things. How much do we really need to take along on this Journey of Hope: The Next Chapter? How will God use this chapter to build his Kingdom here in the Courtice area?
- Stan Baker, Chair of Administrative Elders
