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Hopeful Story, August 16, 2015

  In June, I had the privilege of joining almost 200 pastors and elders from across North America at Dordt College for the annual gathering of our denomination. Location? Smack dab in the center of hectares of Iowa farmland! We arrived on Thursday, June 11, settled into dorm rooms, and shared in a time of worship. I’ve always wanted to attend Synod, but wondered if I would fit in, add value or bring anything of value back to Hope Fellowship. All fears and insecurities were soon forgotten.
  Our days were filled with early morning breakfast and worship, committee meetings from sun rise to sun set, with some that went well into the night. There were days where, at its end, a short dorm room bed, never felt so good… and yet, I felt energized and invigorated! These committee meetings were followed by full session meetings that presented the work done in each committee, and then discussed and/or voted on.
  Looking back at Synod 2015, I would say my week was filled with defining moments that continue to shape who I am, anchor what it is I believe, while challenging me to be even more lovingly courageous as a man, husband, father, sibling, elder, friend and co-worker. Here are some of those highlights (for more updates, please read The Banner):
  • Worship – although not what I am used to, the depth of the experience was unshakable and stirring!
  • Messages/Comments/Conversations… things like;
    • How are we living out our ‘eternal life’ today?
    • Are we stepping up to be THE Church God wants us to be?
    • Beneath the “COME”… must be the “GO”
    • We (local church) are the vehicle to HIS Kingdom
  • Change – The addition of Deacons to Synod, the merger of Home Missions and World Missions, desire to strengthen the presence of women attending Synod, new model replacing the Board of Trustees with a Council of Delegates, the retirement of Dr. Peter Borgdorf and Dr. Joel Boot, Rev. DeMoor’s retirement and the introduction of a new editor at The Banner. Let’s not forget a new director for World Renew… Carol Breamer-Bennett, while nine female Clergy were present as delegates at Synod 2015!
  • While the Christian Reformed Church of North America is relatively small (approximately 1000 churches in Canada and the US) we have a close relationship with 29 denominations through the world and is a member of World Communion of Reformed Churches, which represents 80 million Reformed Christian world wide. 
  One theme that emerged was the reality that each of us has a ‘back story”. The amazing gift of grace allows us to recognize that, in spite of our back story, we are defined by something greater… we are defined by the love of Christ, and remade into image bearers of Christ! I heard that message delivered time and again, and it is the message I believe we desire to deliver through our lives here at Hope Fellowship and beyond.
  Synod 2015… An adventure I’ll never forget.
- Brian
