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Hopeful Story, September 29, 2013

  Whenever “one of our own” becomes a pastor, a congregation has great reason to celebrate. This week, that’s what happened when Classis Quinte, our regional gathering of nineteen Christian Reformed churches between Ajax and Kingston, examined and endorsed “our own” Allan Kirkpatrick as the new pastor of Grace CRC in Cobourg. Here, in Allan’s words, is the good news as he shared it with his family and friends.
An official – and final – thank you to ALL of you.
While the examination at Classis yesterday went a bit harder than expected due to some surprise questions from the other pastors on the floor of the meeting it was - at the end of the day - a unanimous decision!!!
Therefore the call by Grace CRC has been sustained.
Therefore my calling into ministry has been affirmed.
But it has ONLY been because of your prayers and support and encouragement and love that I have been carried through the past 2 years!

What a journey – from the times in Grand Rapids with the separation from the family and the study of Hebrew through the preaching evaluations through the extra online courses through the synodical evaluations and then through the year of “interim-ship” which lead both Grace church and ourselves to decide that this was the best next step of faith.
Again - I praise God and thank each of you for your encouragement, love and support.
  The next and final step is Allan’s ordination service. Grace CRC, located at 440 King Street E., in Cobourg, will host this worship service on Saturday morning, October 5, at 10 a.m. It will be followed by a BBQ and fun and games!!
- Pastor Peter
