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Note from the Pastor, September 1, 2013

  Last fall Pastor Peter wrote about the benefits of getting involved in church life. He said: 
  “In my experience, people who are involved in their church are more gracious about its imperfections than those who are not involved. Spectators tend to be armchair referees; participants, on the other hand, tend to work things through until goals are met or things improve. Participating instead of just observing is like owning a home instead of renting. You just naturally care more about what’s happening because you’re invested in a whole different way.
  “For the Christian, volunteering is a lot like sowing. In Jesus’ name and for Jesus’ sake, we sow seeds of faith, seeds of hope and seeds of love. As we faithfully and consistently sow these seeds, we grow. Others grow. And everyone benefits while God is praised.
  “It’s good to remember, however, that commitment does come at a cost. Volunteering can be fun and very rewarding, but it’s not always easy. Jesus described the Christian life as “denying yourself and taking up your cross.” That’s an uncomfortable, painful metaphor. But it was the Lord’s way of preparing his followers for the difficulties and challenges involved in joining God’s redemptive mission.
  “Where does this willingness come from?
  “Sometimes, our willingness to volunteer originates in the need to be admired, or the urge to control a situation, or the fear of disappointing someone. If that’s your motivation, you will probably not enjoy the experience or have what it takes to go the distance.
  “But when your willingness is rooted in your love for Jesus and a commitment to his redemptive mission, you will not only enjoy the experience and go the distance; you will also know the joy of blessing others and serving the Lord!
  “So get involved. Willingly. Faithfully. And experience church life from the gracious perspective of someone who is invested in the well-being of the body of Christ.”
(Sept. 16/12 Hope Fellowship Sun) 
  If you are not sure where you fit in, or where you can best use your gifts, Pastor Peter offers two courses to help you figure that out.
  The first class is his New Members Class, where people can take some time to explore the Christian faith and how we live that out at Hope Fellowship. Normally Pastor Peter teaches this course three times through the year, but this year there will only be two sessions—fall and winter— as Pastor Peter and Marja plan to leave, Lord willing, for a sabbatical beginning in May. If you are interested in being part of one of these seven week sessions, please sign up at the Info Centre.
  Pastor Peter and Marja also teach a leadership course together. This class is open to everyone who is interested—whether you’ve been at Hope Fellowship since it began or just started attending. It is a marvellous opportunity to learn about where God might be calling you to serve. It’s a chance to get to know yourself and your gifting as well a being a wonderful opportunity to “sit at the feet” of these two amazing leaders and learn from them. The class size will be capped at 10, so if you are interested in being part of the class, please sign up at the Info Centre as soon as possible. You can also email the office at or email Pastor Peter directly at Since he has a month’s worth of email to wade through when he comes back into the office on Tuesday, it might take him a day or two to get back to you—but he will.
  As our Zone Coordinators and ministry leaders return from cycling across the US and Canada and from other adventures they’ve experienced this summer, they will be looking for people who are willing to serve, to sow those seeds of faith, hope and love and to help others grow as they grow themselves.
- Evelyn
