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A Note from the Pastor, July 8, 2012

  Whenever Rev. Paul Mpindi leads rallies or training seminars, he is surrounded by a group of prayer warriors. And now the team of prayer partners has expanded to pray weekly—and sometimes daily—for Perspectives Réformées en Centrafrique (PRC), the ongoing mission work of Back to God Ministries in French-speaking Africa.
  A little over a year ago, Rev. Mpindi was teaching a group of pastors in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR) when staff who were present sensed “some sort of attack from the enemy,” reports Pastor Ekolo, PRC staff member. “We took action and quickly prayed for spiritual protection for Rev. Mpindi.”
  Following that event, the BTGMI French staff developed a plan to increase the number of intercessors trained to pray for the local church, for missions, and specifically for Back to God Ministries French outreach in Africa. In May 2012, a group of 600 believers from various denominations came together for a two-day prayer seminar, led by the BTGMI Africa staff.
  “I am encouraged to hear that so many people are willing to pray for us as we present the Gospel of Christ to Africa,” notes Rev. Mpindi. “We have many ongoing challenges.”
  The participants included volunteers who work with BTGMI Africa discipleship staff, but also students who are participating in our Bible study by correspondence course. Some were members of partner churches, and others were people who had not heard of our ministry in Africa, but are interested in prayer. Ten of those participants signed up for the Bible study course and committed to pray for the national team of intercessors.
  Blanche attended the seminar with five members of her church. She observed, “All the participants came out of the training beaming, encouraged to make a new commitment for intercession. I learned that prayer is a calling to be answered on a regular basis for one’s whole life. My team agreed to start an intercessors cell and pray together every Thursday for one and a half hours. Sometimes we go beyond the scheduled time.”
  Many local churches have also adopted the intercessor strategy, creating a network of prayer partners for our work in Africa. “We [PRC] are now the center of a network of several prayer groups,” says Nzuzi Lukombo, BTGMI French Ministry Coordinator. “All of these groups pray actively for our ministry in Africa.”
  If you would like to support the Bible study and prayer training efforts in Africa or are interested in becoming a prayer partner for BTGMI French ministry, contact
