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Hopeful Story, June 26, 2016

  Deacons are often asked to help people from the community.  This past year we were able to help a man who had no hope left.  His life had spiraled out of control.  This could be you or me at any time.

  Mr. S. started by calling the office.  Evelyn relayed the message to me, as chair of the deacons.  I called the phone number he had given us, and before I could ask "how can we help?" he spent 35 minutes telling me his life story.  He had been well-to-do with a good job and marriage.  In the middle of renovating his kitchen he had a major car accident which left him unable to work.  Brain injury and memory loss meant he lost his job, his wife, and his money.  Buried under debt, he had lost all hope.  He received our contact information from Community Care, where we had left our "Helping Hands" information a few years ago.  They said we might be able to help.
  I contacted Jeff and Harold, two of our deacons, and they went to visit Mr. S.  The situation was worse than we first thought - Mr. S. had become a hoarder.  I thought the job was too big for us.  But nothing is too big for God.  Through a community service  and with a helping hand from a member of our church we were able to get his house cleaned up.  His kitchen was put back together.  It cost us very little, compared to giving a little bit of independence back to this man.
  The deacons are the hands and feet of Christ.  We can make a difference one person at a time.  We are blessed with a great church that gives generously, so in return we can help those in need.  Thank you for your continuing support which allows us to bless others around us.
  Harold has been in contact with Mr. S. and recent emailed me to let me know that Mr. S. now has hope and a reason to go on.
- Ann
