This fall, after much prayer and discussion, the elders and deacons unanimously agreed to sponsor 2 Syrian refugee families, up to 8 people. A budget of $70,000 was set, with half coming from existing resources and half coming from a special collection on January 24, 2015. An information meeting followed on December 1. Approximately one hundred people attended and expressed their enthusiastic support.
The Vision Leadership Board (VLB) then wrote and approved guidelines for the Refugee Sponsorship Steering Committee. The VLB felt very supported by the great turnout at the public meeting, but it wanted to create a greater sense of ownership by our church family, a “a yes from the congregation” (VLB Minutes, Dec. 2015). We decided to ask people to stand as a show of support.
Here’s where we dropped the ball twice. First, we neglected to inform the congregation in advance that we would be asking for a symbolic Yes on Dec. 27. And at the 9 a.m. service, I completely forgot, an oversight that I tried to rectify after the closing song.
For these two oversights and the confusion that they caused, the VLB and I are sorry. We/I ask for your forgiveness and grace. You can be sure that this learning opportunity is another lesson in communicating more clearly.
So what were we asking you to say yes to? Yes, we support the decision made by the VLB to sponsor 2 Syrian Refugee families. Yes, we will be active participants with our prayers, time and resources as we are able. Yes, we believe God's hand is in this, in directing these specific families into our community. Yes, this is what Jesus had in mind when He cradled a child in his arms and said, "Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me – God who sent me" (Mark 9:36-37).
When the time comes to welcome two refugee families into Clarington, we hope that our wider community will do the same. It is one way that we can embrace and live out God's redemptive plan.
- Pastor Peter and the Vision Leadership Board
The Vision Leadership Board (VLB) then wrote and approved guidelines for the Refugee Sponsorship Steering Committee. The VLB felt very supported by the great turnout at the public meeting, but it wanted to create a greater sense of ownership by our church family, a “a yes from the congregation” (VLB Minutes, Dec. 2015). We decided to ask people to stand as a show of support.
Here’s where we dropped the ball twice. First, we neglected to inform the congregation in advance that we would be asking for a symbolic Yes on Dec. 27. And at the 9 a.m. service, I completely forgot, an oversight that I tried to rectify after the closing song.
For these two oversights and the confusion that they caused, the VLB and I are sorry. We/I ask for your forgiveness and grace. You can be sure that this learning opportunity is another lesson in communicating more clearly.
So what were we asking you to say yes to? Yes, we support the decision made by the VLB to sponsor 2 Syrian Refugee families. Yes, we will be active participants with our prayers, time and resources as we are able. Yes, we believe God's hand is in this, in directing these specific families into our community. Yes, this is what Jesus had in mind when He cradled a child in his arms and said, "Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me – God who sent me" (Mark 9:36-37).
When the time comes to welcome two refugee families into Clarington, we hope that our wider community will do the same. It is one way that we can embrace and live out God's redemptive plan.
- Pastor Peter and the Vision Leadership Board
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