Dear Friends and Family:
Warm greetings from Isiro DRC. We trust that things are well? Interesting—as you are moving into your “cold-white” season, we are moving into our “hot and dry” season. In this season, the garden does not produce for either of us—so we all wait for spring.
A colleague is returning to Canada next week so we are writing letters such as this one for him to mail. With no postal service here, we need to rely on MAF to fly our mail in from Uganda. Michelle made this card nice, eh? (n.b. The card is posted on the bulletin board)
Anyway, we wanted to thank you folks at Hope for walking with us these many years.
It has been quite a journey—it has taken us away from family and friends for many years and many miles—so why do it? Good question!
It is the simple belief that:
- the Bible matters
- through translation and audio recordings the gospel message will become more accessible to the peoples of Congo.
So, the journey is not bad then.
Thank you for investing and walking with us by walking with Congolese brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thanks, eh, and blessing for 2016.
- John for the VanderMeer Clan
John & Marian VanderMeer are serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Isiro, Democratic Republic of Congo. Hope Fellowship is one of their supporting churches. See their latest report on the bulletin board in the main foyer.
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