I walked into the nursery on Wednesday morning and was greeted by the joyful sight and sound of twenty-four active pre-schoolers. They were playing happily, pushing toy trucks, racing cars, building towers or dressing dolls. Jackie and Marja each held a child that needed some personal attention, while Renee was engaged in play with several children.
“Twenty-four kids?” Marja exclaimed after I tallied the kids. “That’s the most we’ve ever had. And there’s babies in the foyer with their moms, because we can’t handle the infants.” Sure enough, when I went for a look, I counted five babies resting in car seats as their mothers enjoyed a spa-like experience with “de-stressing” exercises and products. “De-stressing is important,” one mom told me as she rubbed lotion into her hands while others gave each other massages, polished fingernails or coloured colour sheets for adults. These young moms were really enjoying their time out together!
“If anybody thinks that the church is aging, they should come and see what’s happening here,” Jackie said. “But we could really use some help.”
When twenty-nine little ones show up in church in the middle of the week, you know something good is happening. But Jackie is right. They need the help of others to oversee the toddlers while their moms do their Bible study, enjoy socializing and take a brief break from parenting.
I returned to the nursery and heard some of the toddlers singing “This Little Light of Mine” while looking for chairs to sit on during “Movie Time,” the fifteen minute DVD that caps their morning. It has proven to be a good, relaxing way to end their adventure at the church before they are re-united with their parents.
Marja, Jackie and Renee would love to hear from you if you are able and willing to help them look after these children for two hours every other week on a Wednesday morning. More to the point, they’re saying, “Please help!” And our young moms would love to welcome anyone else who needs a break from the madhouse called motherhood. They’re saying, “Please come!”
- Pastor Peter
“Twenty-four kids?” Marja exclaimed after I tallied the kids. “That’s the most we’ve ever had. And there’s babies in the foyer with their moms, because we can’t handle the infants.” Sure enough, when I went for a look, I counted five babies resting in car seats as their mothers enjoyed a spa-like experience with “de-stressing” exercises and products. “De-stressing is important,” one mom told me as she rubbed lotion into her hands while others gave each other massages, polished fingernails or coloured colour sheets for adults. These young moms were really enjoying their time out together!
“If anybody thinks that the church is aging, they should come and see what’s happening here,” Jackie said. “But we could really use some help.”
When twenty-nine little ones show up in church in the middle of the week, you know something good is happening. But Jackie is right. They need the help of others to oversee the toddlers while their moms do their Bible study, enjoy socializing and take a brief break from parenting.
I returned to the nursery and heard some of the toddlers singing “This Little Light of Mine” while looking for chairs to sit on during “Movie Time,” the fifteen minute DVD that caps their morning. It has proven to be a good, relaxing way to end their adventure at the church before they are re-united with their parents.
Marja, Jackie and Renee would love to hear from you if you are able and willing to help them look after these children for two hours every other week on a Wednesday morning. More to the point, they’re saying, “Please help!” And our young moms would love to welcome anyone else who needs a break from the madhouse called motherhood. They’re saying, “Please come!”
- Pastor Peter
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