People of Hope:
There is no more agonizing experience than watching your child suffer and not being able to take that pain away.
There is no more agonizing experience than watching your child suffer and not being able to take that pain away.
Two and a half years ago we learned our oldest son Jesse, was in stage 5 kidney failure and dialysis would be required to keep this life threatening disease at bay. We shared this with our church family and you responded as you always have, with open prayer filled hearts and generous spirits. We were often asked what can we do for Jesse and Andrea, and knowing their days were filled with medical appointments and treatments we suggested notes of encouragement and gifts of food.
Your response was overwhelming and you showered this young couple with love and prayers. We want to thank you on behalf of Jesse & Andrea as well as the remainder of our family for this and to let you know how deeply it was appreciated. Not only did our congregation shower us with support, Gary & Heidi offered the ultimate gift of life by donating a kidney to our son. Gary, or as he is known in our family, Super "G" gave Jesse a kidney on July 4th, 2018 a little over 10 months ago. Although recovery from a Kidney transplant is a long and sometimes bumpy road, we rejoice in the relative good health and freedom Jesse enjoys today.
Thank you, People of Hope, for all you have and continue to do for our family and we humbly ask that you continue to hold us up in your prayers.
- Paul & Joyce
Your response was overwhelming and you showered this young couple with love and prayers. We want to thank you on behalf of Jesse & Andrea as well as the remainder of our family for this and to let you know how deeply it was appreciated. Not only did our congregation shower us with support, Gary & Heidi offered the ultimate gift of life by donating a kidney to our son. Gary, or as he is known in our family, Super "G" gave Jesse a kidney on July 4th, 2018 a little over 10 months ago. Although recovery from a Kidney transplant is a long and sometimes bumpy road, we rejoice in the relative good health and freedom Jesse enjoys today.
Thank you, People of Hope, for all you have and continue to do for our family and we humbly ask that you continue to hold us up in your prayers.
- Paul & Joyce
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