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Hopeful Story, January 6, 2019

  When I was asked if I would be willing to be on the slate for elder, I said yes, thinking that I wouldn’t be chosen. I’d been asked to consider being a Deacon several times and never been chosen, and believed that things would continue on the same way. God, however, has a sense of humour, and I discovered to my surprise that I was indeed chosen to be an elder.
I struggle with that, as I am not sure that I am gifted (or wise enough). But God spoke and so I joined the pastoral elder team, knowing that I would never be able to do the work in my own strength.
  There are a couple of duties that I absolutely love (and some that are hard!) – welcoming new babies and introducing them to the people of Hope Fellowship at their baptism is top of the list. Serving communion, which intimidated me at first, has become a highlight in my month and I look forward to connecting and welcoming people to the Lord ’s Table. Another one is praying with the praise team and pastor before the services on Sunday mornings.
  In November I had the privilege of witnessing Pastor Lisa Guillaume Koene serve communion to the praise team before the 9:00 service. It was a beautiful sight to see a time of prayer for the service flow into the serving of communion as together they prepared to lead our Sunday morning services. I wish everyone could experience that – seeing those who will lead us on a Sunday morning acknowledging their total dependence on Jesus and His leading. It’s amazing!
  January is the time when our elders and deacons start the process of looking for new office bearers to replace those who are finishing their term. We’ve been praying about it for a while already, and invite you to join in that prayer. If you feel God is calling you to a leadership position, listen to that. And know that you don’t do it in your own strength or by yourself. We have great teams that work together to do the work to which God has called us. Your faith will grow as you depend on God for the strength to do the work.
- Evelyn
