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Hopeful Story, January 13, 2019

  The staff that prays together, eats together and plays together...stays together? Given the busy-ness of Christmas in a church office, we decided to postpone a staff celebration to January. This week we all brought out best pot luck items (including an item that promised something similar to orange juice and champagne and turned out to be samosas), the staff met together, prayed together, enjoyed a pot luck lunch, and had some great conversation. A game guessing what my Strenthfinders strengths are was suggested, but fortunately we didn't get around to that. At the end of our time together we exchanged $5 gifts with poems. Every poem was as unique as the staff member who wrote it, but we all voted the Deanna’s was the one to share with you. Here it is—a great recap of our Advent and Christmas season.

Christmas has come and gone 
Though out this season we’ve learned about a faun 
A witch and a wardrobe too 
And a faith-filled child named Lucy Loo 

Ultimately we learned about a lion from the wood 
Who wasn’t soft but he was good 
We may feel that winter will never end 
But need to remember Jesus as our friend 

- Evelyn
