The first week after Labour Day is always set aside as a time of prayer and fasting at Hope Fellowship. This year was no exception, and we gathered together each evening (in person or in spirit) to pray for God’s hand to be on Hope Fellowship. What did we hear and learn in that week?
First of all, we are giving thanks and praise to our Almighty God for those who came to pray and were blessed in doing so and also for those who were unable to come but prayed at home. We felt so lifted up in prayer and we thank you for taking time to spend with our God.
From this week of prayer and fasting, we have felt an amazing connectedness with God as people confessed and shared before God and his people. As we opened up our hearts in sharing, others did as well, and God was able to heal past hurts.
The prayer team has been interceding in prayer for unity, discernment, cleansing and wisdom for the church and the Lord is opening our eyes to this simple truth: prayer is where everything begins and ends in the realm of the Spirit. Nothing that God is going to do will happen without prayer. So we encourage you, the people of Hope Fellowship, to continue praying, in particular for our leadership—Brian, the Vision Leadership Board, our Zone Coordinators, the Hope Without Borders team, and the Succession Planning Committee.
II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
- Connie Collins
N.B. If you would like to continue meeting for prayer, we have a team that meets Wednesday evenings from 7—8 pm and one on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am and you are welcome to come to either—or both. You are also encouraged to leave prayer requests on the prayer board in the foyer.
First of all, we are giving thanks and praise to our Almighty God for those who came to pray and were blessed in doing so and also for those who were unable to come but prayed at home. We felt so lifted up in prayer and we thank you for taking time to spend with our God.
From this week of prayer and fasting, we have felt an amazing connectedness with God as people confessed and shared before God and his people. As we opened up our hearts in sharing, others did as well, and God was able to heal past hurts.
The prayer team has been interceding in prayer for unity, discernment, cleansing and wisdom for the church and the Lord is opening our eyes to this simple truth: prayer is where everything begins and ends in the realm of the Spirit. Nothing that God is going to do will happen without prayer. So we encourage you, the people of Hope Fellowship, to continue praying, in particular for our leadership—Brian, the Vision Leadership Board, our Zone Coordinators, the Hope Without Borders team, and the Succession Planning Committee.
II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
- Connie Collins
N.B. If you would like to continue meeting for prayer, we have a team that meets Wednesday evenings from 7—8 pm and one on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am and you are welcome to come to either—or both. You are also encouraged to leave prayer requests on the prayer board in the foyer.
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