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Hopeful Story, September 18, 2016

  Who doesn’t love to have their cake & eat it too?! Attending a Christian conference with big name speakers & well-known worship bands is a lot like eating cake. It’s sweet, it’s exciting, it leaves you feeling like you can conquer the world! Cake is good, but I’ve also seen the down side of cake and have learned firsthand how important it is to balance out that cake with a weekly dose of vegetables so that you don’t experience what most parents we refer to as the ‘sugar crash’. Those vegetables are your classic Sunday morning church services led by the local passionate body of Christ. A healthy diet by many means!
  Having attended many of these ‘cake’ type conferences, and knowing the kind of spiritual impact & high they can produce, I began to dream early this year about the potential of one day organizing and hosting a young adult’s conference in our very own backyard. What can I say, I wanted to have my cake and eat it too! I wondered what that might look like though, knowing that I didn’t simply want it to be all about the cake. I desired to host balanced leaders that have the gift of serving cake, along with a healthy side dish of vegetables. So I began making note of local speakers & worship bands that could impart this type of healthy spiritual diet.
  At first this was just a dream, a mere desire in my heart bound with a little bit of hope. I even wrestled with whether God had placed it there, or was this just a personal ‘Dylan desire’. As I began to share this with my wife, she couldn’t help but jump for joy in confirmation as she had been feeling a very similar desire in her heart, (fruits of becoming one flesh I suppose), and so began the prayerful petitioning to God for the go ahead to make, ‘having our cake and eating it too’, a reality.
  Several weeks later, in a small church in Owen Sound, we were ministering to a group of believers we had never met, when all of a sudden, nearing the end of the service, the chief Pastor begins to pray a blessing over Jess & I, and as he prayed, he gives us a prophetic word confirming the desires in our hearts which was the green light we had been waiting on God to hear.
  Fast forward a few months, and today we are elbows deep in preparing for the first ever Misfit Generation Young Adults Conference on October 28-29th right here in our very own church. We are very excited and hopeful for what God wants to do with the young adults of this region.
  Check it out at and if you’re between the ages of 18-35ish come join us for a weekend of healthy spiritual dieting!
- Dylan
