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Hopeful Story, September 7, 2014

  We tend to get ahead of ourselves. We dream, plan, get excited; we start our projects and embark on our journeys. Then, when we get stuck or lost, we pray for God’s help.
  Many years ago, Hope Fellowship went through a rough patch. For several years our church struggled to survive. With God’s help we experienced a re-start. Since then, God has richly blessed us with beautiful facilities, dedicated staff, committed leaders and volunteers, excellent ministries and programs and a growing church family.
  There’s one lesson that we learned in that desert a dozen years ago: pray before you do anything. And so, for the last twelve years, we have begun every church year with a week of prayer and fasting. For five nights, from 7-8 p.m., people come together to pray for the year ahead. Each weeknight is dedicated to a specific zone: Community Life (Monday), Worship (Tuesday), Children and Youth (Wednesday), Administration (Thursday) and Service & Outreach (Friday). Some pray out loud; others pray quietly or listen to the prayers of others. Some come out every night; others come one, two or three nights.
  To our prayer warriors, an hour of prayer doesn't seem like a long time. But to many of us, that may feel like a long time. It really is a spiritual discipline. But it’s a discipline that is worth developing, not only for the sake of the church but also for your own walk with God. If it’s a stretch for you, it's all the more reason to join.
  A church that prays for a week before it starts a new church year. Christians who pray before they embark on any venture or journey. People who ask for God’s blessing and help before, not just after they do anything. It just makes so much sense!
- Pastor Peter
