Last week we took a look at what happened while Pastor Peter and Marja were away on sabbatical and vacation. It’s been an eventful summer for our church family. Now let’s take a look at what lies ahead for us.
The start of a new ministry year is both exciting and terrifying. There are so many possibilities. And though we know that everything is in God’s hands and that he will lead and direct us, we can’t help but feel personally invested. This year, as had become tradition at Hope Fellowship, we will begin with a week of prayer and fasting. We set aside time each day to pray together and ask for God’s blessing and direction for the new year. You are welcome to come all 5 evenings or just one evening. But please come! We also give up something in that week—coffee, TV, dare I say it...Facebook, or something that you will bump up against during the week which will remind you to pray for Hope Fellowship.
Our Zone Coordinators (Alice Brink, Mike Broersma, Melissa Claxtion-Oldfield, Joan Doorenspleet, and Chris Ritskes are working hard with ministry leaders to prepare for a new ministry year. It’s almost time for GEMS, Cadets, HSM, Small Groups, Pastor Peter’s New Members Class and Leadership groups to begin again. Watch the newsletter, the website and Facebook (I guess giving up Facebook won’t be my fast!) to find out about start up dates and how you can be involved. There will be a time for you to find out about ministry involvement. Though volunteering sounds like giving, its also about receiving. The rewards are so much greater than what you give. You can make coffee for a Sunday morning, look after babies during church, lead a group of students through a Bible Study, join or lead a small group—the possibilities are extensive!
Above all, please pray for our leaders. Pastor Peter, our Zone Coordinators, our Vision Leadership Elders (formerly known as the Admin Board), our Pastoral Care Elders, our Deacons and our ministry leaders. Bless them by volunteering before they ask you!
And join with me in thanking God for the privilege and joy of serving Him in this small part of His Kingdom.
- Evelyn
The start of a new ministry year is both exciting and terrifying. There are so many possibilities. And though we know that everything is in God’s hands and that he will lead and direct us, we can’t help but feel personally invested. This year, as had become tradition at Hope Fellowship, we will begin with a week of prayer and fasting. We set aside time each day to pray together and ask for God’s blessing and direction for the new year. You are welcome to come all 5 evenings or just one evening. But please come! We also give up something in that week—coffee, TV, dare I say it...Facebook, or something that you will bump up against during the week which will remind you to pray for Hope Fellowship.
Our Zone Coordinators (Alice Brink, Mike Broersma, Melissa Claxtion-Oldfield, Joan Doorenspleet, and Chris Ritskes are working hard with ministry leaders to prepare for a new ministry year. It’s almost time for GEMS, Cadets, HSM, Small Groups, Pastor Peter’s New Members Class and Leadership groups to begin again. Watch the newsletter, the website and Facebook (I guess giving up Facebook won’t be my fast!) to find out about start up dates and how you can be involved. There will be a time for you to find out about ministry involvement. Though volunteering sounds like giving, its also about receiving. The rewards are so much greater than what you give. You can make coffee for a Sunday morning, look after babies during church, lead a group of students through a Bible Study, join or lead a small group—the possibilities are extensive!
Above all, please pray for our leaders. Pastor Peter, our Zone Coordinators, our Vision Leadership Elders (formerly known as the Admin Board), our Pastoral Care Elders, our Deacons and our ministry leaders. Bless them by volunteering before they ask you!
And join with me in thanking God for the privilege and joy of serving Him in this small part of His Kingdom.
- Evelyn
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