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Hopeful Story, November 3, 2013

  “The ones who are crazy enough to change the world are usually the ones that do.” Some might think it is crazy to sell all your possessions, pack up a bag and head out for an 11 month, 11 country journey to live and volunteer in some of the saddest slums the world has to offer. But if you were asked by God, would you? A young lady by the name of Christina Reid, a member of Hope Fellowship, has decided to do just that.
  Next July, Christina will leave the security and comforts of home and step into the unknown on a race around the world, living, learning and sharing the Gospel. What most may not realize is that this journey is not a typical beach vacation; there will be no 4 star resorts, exquisite buffets or even water from a tap. Instead the small group she is traveling with will set up camp in tents, walk to fetch their water, give up showering for days or even weeks, and experience what life is really like with little to no money or possessions. “The point of all this?” you may ask. To break her heart for what breaks His, to see what life is really for, and to understand the God that we are all serving.
  Partnering with ‘Adventures in Missions’, Christina must raise over $16,285 to fund her trip. This excludes gear, vaccinations, training camp and spending money. The countries in which she will be travelling include Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa. By partnering with local churches and ministers, Christina will work with women and children trapped in the sex trafficking industry, teach English to children in poverty, volunteer in orphanages stricken with HIV and bring restoration and hope to many tribes and nations.
  If you are interested in helping Christina on her journey or finding out more please contact her through the church office or visit
  Also watch out for her t-shirt fundraiser and benefit concert at Hope on December 6, 7-9 pm.
