Deanna knew that she wanted to start a community event for a charity. Her friend, Kimberly, had a passion for Africa, a place she visited and served on her honeymoon with husband, Jeff. “I went there to change lives,” Kim said. “Instead, I was changed.” Together with their friend, Katie, they started planning an event that would raise money for new moms and children in a developing country. They contacted World Renew, learned that the government would match their donations 3:1, and decided to host the “Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby Charity Mom to Mom Show” at Hope Fellowship. Local parent and mom-run businesses were invited to purchase a spot for $35 to sell their wares, and an entry fee of $2 was set, with all proceeds going to women in Bangladesh and Malawi.
“It was slow going at the beginning and not a lot of vendors seemed interested,” Deanna said, “and I briefly considered cancelilng the whole thing.” So these three young novice organizers decided to pray about it. “Not too long after Kim, Katie and I started getting TONS of response.”
On the day itself, Saturday, October 19, many volunteers helped to turn the sanctuary into a market place. Starbucks donated coffee and tea. Others contributed to the bake sale and the silent auction. “Some people just gave us checks, including a woman who gave us a $200 donation,” Kim said, smiling at the memory. When all was said and done, they raised $1500. Matched 3:1 by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), that’s $4500 for World Renew!
Will they do it again? “All in all, we are pretty happy with how the first event turned out, and we are planning to host a 2nd annual sale next year,” Deanna promised. “We’re excited to do it again next year and make it bigger,” Kim added enthusiastically.
Hope Fellowship is understandably proud of these three young women for their initiative. If you run a local business or make your own products, are interested in volunteering or would like to donate, Deanna, Kim and Katie would love to hear from you regarding next year’s show.
- Pastor Peter
P.S. Kim gave her interview in the maternity ward of Lakeridge Hospital while cradling her one day old son, Bryce Martin, while new dad, Jeff, looked on and beamed with pride.
“It was slow going at the beginning and not a lot of vendors seemed interested,” Deanna said, “and I briefly considered cancelilng the whole thing.” So these three young novice organizers decided to pray about it. “Not too long after Kim, Katie and I started getting TONS of response.”
On the day itself, Saturday, October 19, many volunteers helped to turn the sanctuary into a market place. Starbucks donated coffee and tea. Others contributed to the bake sale and the silent auction. “Some people just gave us checks, including a woman who gave us a $200 donation,” Kim said, smiling at the memory. When all was said and done, they raised $1500. Matched 3:1 by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), that’s $4500 for World Renew!
Will they do it again? “All in all, we are pretty happy with how the first event turned out, and we are planning to host a 2nd annual sale next year,” Deanna promised. “We’re excited to do it again next year and make it bigger,” Kim added enthusiastically.
Hope Fellowship is understandably proud of these three young women for their initiative. If you run a local business or make your own products, are interested in volunteering or would like to donate, Deanna, Kim and Katie would love to hear from you regarding next year’s show.
- Pastor Peter
P.S. Kim gave her interview in the maternity ward of Lakeridge Hospital while cradling her one day old son, Bryce Martin, while new dad, Jeff, looked on and beamed with pride.
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