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Hopeful Story, September 22, 2013

  One of the best things about working at Hope Fellowship in the office is that I am often witness to acts of service that most people don’t have an opportunity to see. I had one of those experiences this week.
  It started several years ago when our deacons decided that summer was a good time to collect items for the Pregnancy Help Centre. All summer long I see people coming into the church and dropping off their donations. It’s a beautiful sight! Because we've done it a number of times, it has taken on a momentum of its own, and without much prompting the playpen fills steadily over the weeks.
  Somehow word has gotten out about our play pen and about three weeks ago a lovely couple stopped by to ask if we took donations of baby items. I said we did, and they explained that their grandchildren had outgrown some things and they’d like to donate them. The items were brought into the office—several bags of clothes and diapers—and after we chatted together for a few minutes, I thanked them and they were on their way. Later I regretted not asking them how they knew we took donations, but then didn't think about it again.
  This week, when I came into work on Tuesday, there were a couple of boxes and bags standing inside the front door. I suspected they were for the Pregnancy Help Centre, but wasn't sure. On Thursday afternoon a man came by to explain he had left the things there—his children had outgrown some of their clothes and as he and his wife had received most of it as gifts, they wanted to help someone else rather selling it. He was bringing more things to add to what he’d given and has a play pen and a high chair that he plans to bring later. I asked him how he knew we were collecting things and he said his mom and dad told him. The same couple I saw earlier this summer. I still don’t know how they found out about it. But its great! Now the Pregnancy Help Centre will be able to help out more moms and dads who are stressed due to pregnancy.
  This is just one of the things that happen without much fanfare or recognition. But God sees it—and I think he smiles. 
- Evelyn
