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Hopeful Story, Oct 20, 2013

  A few years ago I began hearing rumours of a big motorcycle ride modeled after the Sea to Sea bicycle tour. That rumour has become a reality. Sea to Sea has inspired the birth of a big, loud baby, a transcontinental motorcycle tour called “Shore to Shore With a Roar”.
  Described as “three and a half weeks of easy riding,” this tour will be divided into three parts, from Abbotsford, B.C. to Ripon, California (June 25-July 5, 1920 kilometres), from Ripon to Sioux City, Iowa (July 6-16, 3360 kilometres) and Sioux City to Wyckoff, New Jersey (July 17-25, 2720 kilometres). Registrants will be charged $250 to ride one part or $500 to ride the whole distance.
  While Sea to Sea addressed the ravaging effects of poverty, Shore to Shore aims to address the devastating effects of pornography in our families, churches and communities. For that reason it has partnered with the Christian Reformed Church’s Safe Church Ministry and chosen II Corinthians 10:5 as its theme: “Take Every Thought Captive.” In a promotional ad for the tour, Safe Church Ministry wrote: “Let’s put procedures in place that hold us accountable, make internet porn less accessible, and help us respond with effective support to those who struggle with it.” Rallies featuring speakers who have written about the issue of pornography will be held across the country, including one at Redeemer College on July 22, 2014, when the tour swings through Southern Ontario. A documentary about the tour and the issue will also be made to help churches engage in an honest discussion about the prevalence and problem of porn.
  I don’t know how motorcyclists are supposed to get to the starting point in B.C. or home again from New Jersey. Travel complications aside, this is a great opportunity for Hope Fellowship’s bikers (in distinction from “cyclists”) to ride with a purpose: fighting pornography!
  If you own a motorbike, visit “” and begin dreaming and praying about participating in this monumental ride.
- Pastor Peter
