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Hopeful Story, September 8, 2013

Welcome to our annual Week of Prayer and Fasting

  In New Testament times, Barnabas and Saul made a point of praying and fasting before they embarked on their mission trip (Acts 13:3). Taking their example, for the next five evenings, starting at 7 pm, we will come together at Hope Fellowship for an hour of prayer to seek God’s blessing and help before we take on the challenges of another church year. A different ministry zone will be featured each night until all of our ministries, programs, leaders, volunteers and participants are bathed in prayer.
  A devotional guide has been prepared and placed in every person’s mailbox. Extra copies are also available at the Info Centre. This devotional guide will form the agenda for each night’s prayer meeting. It can also be used at home as part of your family or personal devotions.
  An hour of prayer sounds intimidating, but it’s not. Just join the circle and sing along with the musician. Listen to the leader read the selected scripture readings. Quietly meditate about the prayers that are spontaneously offered up to God by others. If or when you feel comfortable, voice a prayer of your own. Remain silent, if you prefer.
  Are you expected to come every night? Some do. But many choose one or two nights that work for them. Do what’s best for you, but come out at least once for the experience.
  Our Week of Prayer and Fasting ends next Sunday when we come together on September 15 for Rev Up Sunday. On that day you will be given the opportunity to sign up as volunteers or participants in all of the zones for which we’ve prayed. The scriptures invite us to pray constantly and to seek God’s direction and blessing before we do anything. So that’s exactly what we will do this week. I can’t think of a more hopeful way to start a new church year. Can you?
- Pastor Peter
