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Showing posts from September, 2013

Note from the Pastor, September 15, 2013

  When we bought our home on Daiseyfield Avenue in Courtice, we were warned that the forest behind our property would give way to development in the future. Three weeks ago, the big equipment arrived and decimated a large area designated Phase I. We watched in disbelief as bunches of trees were bundled onto a conveyor belt and turned into mountains of mulch.

Hopeful Story, September 8, 2013

Welcome to our annual Week of Prayer and Fasting   In New Testament times, Barnabas and Saul made a point of praying and fasting before they embarked on their mission trip (Acts 13:3). Taking their example, for the next five evenings, starting at 7 pm, we will come together at Hope Fellowship for an hour of prayer to seek God’s blessing and help before we take on the challenges of another church year.

Note from the Pastor, September 1, 2013

  Last fall Pastor Peter wrote about the benefits of getting involved in church life. He said:    “In my experience, people who are involved in their church are more gracious about its imperfections than those who are not involved. Spectators tend to be armchair referees; participants, on the other hand, tend to work things through until goals are met or things improve.

Hopeful Story, August 18, 2013

  “Canadians Rock!” is what Stan heard from one of his American tour friends. On Tuesday we had a huge party here at Hope Fellowship. Joan, Alice, Stan and Bernice were excited to welcome all their Sea to Sea Cycling to End Poverty tour mates to their “home”.