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Note from the Pastor, October 28, 2012

My First Trip to China

  Several months ago I felt a pull to travel to China. My friend Chuck, whom I'd met in Argentina about seven years ago, had invited me numerous times to visit him. This year I felt that God was nudging me to go. I was nervous and excited. I admit that I enjoy my comforts and my comfort zone here in Canada.
  The immediate set of adjustments hit me when I arrived: totally different language (Mandarin), much different culture and food, very hot humid weather (humidex between 45 and 50 most days), 12 hour time difference, and living out of a suitcase in a small hotel room for two weeks. God really protected me though; I found these challenges to be rather enjoyable for the most part.
  I helped teach English to some kids using the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) program, met with two groups of Christian business owners, attended a couple of churches, led HR management seminars for two companies, and participated in various Bible studies. Much of this involved a translator, software (to offer the Bible in multiple languages) or just groping in the dark.
  I made so many personal connections in China, and found people to be gracious and hospitable. The most exciting aspect of this trip was seeing God's work being displayed. There are now about 130 million Christians in China - 10% of the population. This is double what it was 20 years ago. Christians that I met are passionate about serving God and anxious to share the gospel with others - much more so than I usually experience in Canada. A humbling lesson for me. The Chinese churches are training many Christians to be missionaries around the world, including North America. Isn't that amazing?
  It's a privilege to actually experience life in another part of the world. I was only in the southern province of Guangdong, and only for two weeks. But it gave me a good taste of Chinese culture - literally - and the opportunity to see evidence of the Holy Spirit in that great country.
  I'm really looking forward to going back....
- Clarence
