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Hopeful Story, November 11, 2012

  This past year we have volunteered in Hyde County, North Carolina and in Schoharie, New York, both times cleaning up the results of flooding from Hurricane Irene. One just can not fathom the amount of water that she produced. In New York, one home was about 50 above and away from the river and there was four feet of water in the home. Just unbelievable! We must admit that the work is hard but the rewards are great. Seeing people so down in their situations getting hope back on their faces is indescribable and then there’s the joy of seeing them return to their homes. We have been blessed to have been involved with several “last nail ceremonies” over the past number of years, a ceremony where a completed home is dedicated to God and the home owners can move back in.
  At the present time, Bill is in Scranton, NC with a three week team and our Church Group just finished a one week assignment in Swan Quarter, North Carolina. We ask that you continually uphold these people in your prayers, praying for safety and protection as they reach out to those in need. They too, will be touched by the clients as many have such a strong trust in God that it puts us to shame.
  Now as we watch the results of Tropical Storm Sandy and the devastation she created, we ask that you prayerfully consider how God can use you in reaching out to those who have lost everything. Consider joining World Renew (CRWRC) Disaster Response Services as many hands will be needed in the next year. As the Area Representatives for World Renew DRS for Classis Quinte we do have application forms and resources available. We will also try to answer any questions you may have.
- Len & Marie
