Over the last few years, you may have seen the words "Ten/Ten" in our weekly schedule. This refers to the leadership preparation group that Marja and I have led for the past five years in our home.
By now, 42 people have gone through this course. Many of those who attended have found their way into various volunteer positions at Hope Fellowship. This certainly ranks up there for me as a reason to be grateful to God on this Thanksgiving weekend.
The name is obscure, so let me explain what it means. The first "Ten" refers to the number of years we have pledged to invest in this mentoring adventure, while the second "Ten" refers to the maximum number of people who can attend each year.
In the beginning, we studied a textbook about discipling. For the last three years, however, our discussions have focused on a workshop I developed for the Day of Encouragement called "Leadership Traits and Traps." It highlights seven characteristics of excellent Christian leaders and four things that can undo even the best leaders.
Personally, I love the conversations that take place at our home bi-weekly on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 p.m. It's both enjoyable and meaningful to share whatever wisdom we have gained about leadership in our lives and ministry, and to learn from the experiences of those who attend.
Today, I am excited about meeting the next group of Tne/Ten participants for Year 6. Is this your year to be one of them? If so, I can't wait to have conversations with you about traits like commitment and compassion or traps like unrealistic expectations or unresolved conflict.
There's a sign up sheet at the Information Centre and, hopefully (this is a hopeful story, after all), ten people will register and join Marja and me in our home for refreshments and a dozen conversations over the next six months, starting Tuesday, October 18th.
TenTen, anyone?
- Pastor Peter
By now, 42 people have gone through this course. Many of those who attended have found their way into various volunteer positions at Hope Fellowship. This certainly ranks up there for me as a reason to be grateful to God on this Thanksgiving weekend.
The name is obscure, so let me explain what it means. The first "Ten" refers to the number of years we have pledged to invest in this mentoring adventure, while the second "Ten" refers to the maximum number of people who can attend each year.
In the beginning, we studied a textbook about discipling. For the last three years, however, our discussions have focused on a workshop I developed for the Day of Encouragement called "Leadership Traits and Traps." It highlights seven characteristics of excellent Christian leaders and four things that can undo even the best leaders.
Personally, I love the conversations that take place at our home bi-weekly on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 p.m. It's both enjoyable and meaningful to share whatever wisdom we have gained about leadership in our lives and ministry, and to learn from the experiences of those who attend.
Today, I am excited about meeting the next group of Tne/Ten participants for Year 6. Is this your year to be one of them? If so, I can't wait to have conversations with you about traits like commitment and compassion or traps like unrealistic expectations or unresolved conflict.
There's a sign up sheet at the Information Centre and, hopefully (this is a hopeful story, after all), ten people will register and join Marja and me in our home for refreshments and a dozen conversations over the next six months, starting Tuesday, October 18th.
TenTen, anyone?
- Pastor Peter
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