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Hopeful Story, October 16, 2011

   At the end of our morning services, the invitation is often given to seek prayer from the prayer partners who make themselves available for this. Each Sunday, a few people accept the invitation.
  Are people actually helped or even healed when others pray for them? One person, who wants to remain anonymous, gave us permission to share his experience.
  “I was all set to ride my bike in the Ride To Conquer Cancer. But one week before the ride, I was experiencing lower back pain that was not going away despite massage therapy or seeing a chiropractor. I was consumed with anxiety. I decided to go for prayer following the Sunday service, and three or four ladies laid their hands on me and prayed for healing.
  “I felt the spirit moving in me. I felt shaky. It was something I had not experienced for a long time. I do remember that I had that same feeling when I took an Alpha course years ago.
  “After these prayers there was a significant opening and my anxiety was gone. I was then able to return to the massage therapist and the chiropractor where I received the total healing I needed so that I could do the ride. This was definitely an answer to prayer.”

  Thank God for those who were willing to pray for this cyclist on that particular Sunday! His hopeful story about their effective prayers re-enforces one of our core values, namely, that prayer is central to the life of this church.
  Right now we need more prayer counselors on Sundays. If you are comfortable praying with people, or would like to become more at ease through practice, please contact Connie or Jackie, who head up our prayer ministry.
  In Acts 8, a sorcerer named Simon tried to buy the ability to heal from the disciples. After Peter admonished him, the man repented and simply said, “Pray to the Lord for me” (Acts 8:24).
  Thankfully, there were people ready to pray when the cyclist uttered these same words in June. Let’s make sure that there will always be prayer partners available on any given Sunday when others come with this request.
- Pastor Peter
