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Hopeful Story, May 5, 2019

  As I get closer to reaching my one-year mark of leading the Children’s Ministry I want to pause and look back on God’s continued blessings. First, our kids. Sunday is a day of joy! It is amazing to see all of the children engaged in worship, asking and answering questions about God and learning how to serve and love Him. Tuesdays bring a whole new type of energy, excitement and joy with our GEMS and Cadets. Each week relationships between the kids, leaders and God grow. Many of our GEMS and Cadets do not attend church. We are blessed with the opportunity to reach these kids as they learn about who God is in their life.
  A second blessing is our volunteers. In the beginning of my role I had a hard time getting volunteers. God answered prayers with new volunteers in every area of ministry and over 90 volunteers total! Every week we have a group of people eager to share God’s love and word with the kids of this church. God continues to answer prayers for volunteers. In a couple of weeks we will have a “welcoming team” to greet new and returning families and help them get checked in to our church. Praise God for all of our volunteers who help families feel welcomed in our community.
  As we end some of our ministries and begin others excited for all that God will bring for the children and volunteers of Hope. I am grateful for an intergenerational congregation who work together to teach, learn, serve and bless one another.
- Deanna
