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Hopeful Story, March 3, 2019

  Deacons. Everyone knows the deacons as the people who pass the collection bags on Sunday morning. While that is true , there is a lot more to being a deacon. At Hope, the deacons play a critical role in the church’s Bless strategy. Administratively, the Deacons work with the Elders and Vision Leadership Board to create a giving strategy that delivers the best results to our community – both inside and outside of the church. The Deacons also manage the relationship with Hope’s “Big 5” community ministries: The Refuge, Gate 3:16, Pregnancy Help Center, Hope/Zion Foodbank and St. Vincent’s Kitchen, and partner with them to ensure that we assist them in the important community work they do.
  As Deacons, we often evaluate individual request to assist financially for various missional, educational and community outreach efforts. As in life, there is always more demand than resources resources, so the Deacons evaluate and provide support in the most prudent manner.
  “On the street”, the Deacons work very closely with people in the community that have “real life” needs. These can be members of Hope or members people whom live in our area. The assistance ranges from paying a bill for someone ailing to literally putting food on someone’s table who is going through some tough times. Sometimes, assistance is nothing more than talking to someone to help evaluate choices in life, it’s not always about handing out money, sometimes it’s lending an ear.
  All of this is a blessing, this is a blessing to the people involved who have the remarkable responsibility to assist others. Yes, at times it seems like another job, however, the personal reward you gain from having another job that exists only to bless others is like no other. If interested in learning more, please reach out to any of the Deacons for more information.
- The Hope Fellowship Deacons
