In our hurry-up-and-move-on-to-the-next-thing world, we often forget to stop and celebrate milestones along the way. Sometimes it’s good just to stop and remember and enjoy.
It was a sold out crowd two weeks ago for the first annual family curling night in support of the Hope for the Dominican project. The evening started with a short learn to curl session led by our own pro skip Larry followed by a round robin tournament.
LIVING WITH CANCER AND THE FEAR OF CANCER RETURNING Hello! My name is fear. I offer suffocation and physical pain. I will cripple your faith and you will be useless to yourself and others. These are the words of the devil, but Jesus says “I am the Truth and the Way. Your faith and strength come from me. Do not be afraid.”
Reflections on Prayer “Read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow!” I remember singing those words as a kid. I even remember the actions that went with the song! From an early age I’ve known that prayer is powerful. However, if I’m honest, my prayer life has its ups and downs.
Deacons. Everyone knows the deacons as the people who pass the collection bags on Sunday morning. While that is true , there is a lot more to being a deacon. At Hope, the deacons play a critical role in the church’s Bless strategy.