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Hopeful Story, November 25, 2018

  We are a few months into the new ministry year, programs are well under way and there appears to be a growing energy throughout our church family. Although we could probably still use a few more people in the children's ministry area, and I'm still not sure why certain people like to vandalize stuff around here, we are hearing stories of blessing and hope throughout the apparent randomness that each day brings.
  We are blessed with ministry leaders and volunteers that step into roles that grow and shape our lives, we continue to grow in our relationships with local agencies that meet the needs in our greater community through our weekly offerings, coat drives, food drives, and even the little things like time, space and a coffee for a young man who found himself without shelter this fall. Our Pastoral Care Elders and Deacons continue to step into needs both inside and outside our church community, while the Vision Leadership Board stays focused on the next chapter of the Story God is writing in and through our community.
  Gods redemptive work continues through friends and family of Hope Fellowship -  Sheila and Jonathan, John and Marian and Christina are all on mission in different parts of the world, and Kaitlyn is leaving in January. The Hope for Dominican Team remains busy developing plans and events to support the many needs in and around Sosua, Dominican Republic for the 2019 year, including a mission trip in August! 
  All of this activity requires commitment, passion and deep rooted love for others... something that has always been a defining part of our character as a church community.
  On behalf of the staff and ministry leaders of this place we call HOPE, I would like to thank you for your continued prayer and support of the work being done in and through your church community! To God be all glory!
- Brian
